Saturday, June 2, 2012

That's It, Then.

Well, I have graduated. Many thanks to all the wonderful people who came, and also a thousand congratulations to my peers who graduated today!

Here I am all decked out and ready to go with all my cords and medals and stoles! 

Walking up to the stage. 

Graduating today was a strange experience. On one hand, I was nervous that I would speak too quickly, trip on the stairs, or fall because my gown belonged to my brother and was waaaaay too long for me. But on the other hand, it didn't feel like a big deal. It felt like a bigger deal when my brother graduated, but actually being down there made it seem somehow less momentous. I still have yet to realize that I will never go to Denton High School again as a student, that I may never see most of these people again, that I will never again go to Mr. Milne's class (aaah!) or Madame Webb's class or Mrs. Seeley's class or theatre. There are things, and people, I will miss, but this is definitely a step forward in my life, although excitement is something I'm not really getting right now either. 

But that will come, I suppose. Right now I just want to enjoy my friends as much as possible before we split off forever (which is turning out to be a lot harder than anticipated) and prepare myself for the future. UNT here I come! Whooo!

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