Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Packing, Reading, and Time Traveling

In less than an hour I will be heading to the airport to fly to Boston, then on to London. I will get to London at 8am today, which involves a touch of time traveling and some sorcery. (PS - I wish I had a TARDIS. :-/) 

I am waiting for two packages to arrive--one containing a foldable keyboard for blogging while I'm gone and one containing a mysterious gift that I need. I usually have stalwart faith in UPS, but they are failing me today. Unless they come in the next half hour, all hope is lost. 

But at least all my packing is done! And there's not too much of it, either. That's the beauty of long trips--you actually need less than a shorter trip, because you are resigned to doing laundry out of necessity. I could pack 35 pairs of clothes if I wanted to (if I even have thirty-five pairs of clothes), or I could pack ten and some laundry soap. 

Ever the minimalist, I chose the latter and fit all my clothes in a duffle bag. Booyah. 

After this, all my blogging/internet usage will be done from my phone (thanks for that, Steve Jobs). I just hope I don't blow a hole through my 300MB/month limit and rack up a scary bill. That's one thing I hate about technology (there is a long list) - the cost to use it. I understand it, but I'm an ignoramus and hardly know what "data roaming" means, so the risk is great. Ick. 

Now, I am going to be traveling for a month, and who can travel without a book? So here are the books that will travel with me:



Miss Peregrine's is a book I have been wanting to read for a long time, and though it is hardback and rather heavy, I decided to bring it just for the heck of it. Hopefully it will be worth the weight and space. If it's not, it will be staying in Europe! To Catch a Pirate, on the other hand, is my go-to travel book because it is a quick read (2 hours max), tiny and light, and a genuinely good adventure story. And of course, everyone needs a good travel guide! 

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