Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 10: Laundry & Driving & Being an Idiot

And that's basically it. So don't get too excited.

I did see this graffiti, which I thought was neat:


(confirm that you are not a machine)

There's lots of anti-conformist graffiti round here. That's cool with me; at least it has a message. Better than just writing "@*#%" in giant letters just to be obnoxious. Although, you know, there's a ton of that too.

I'm in Prague now. We're staying at the Crown Plaza and we have these huge rooms (thanks to my grandfather's membership or whatever).

So, last night I was sitting in my room, alone, reading. It was probably 10:30. I'm just sitting there all peacefully when I hear this huge CRASH and people shouting. It sounded at first like a celebration but it cut off abruptly. Creepily abruptly. I listened, but there was nothing. Every few seconds there was a sound or a small bang or someone's shout. I locked my door and looked out the window, but there was nothing.

Okay. Don't be too hard on me. I was alone in a strange hotel in a strange country and it was night and the walls were shaking with people's screams. So when it happened again - this time even more desperate sounding - I left my room and knocked on my grandmother's door.

She answered, I explained - and no, she had not heard the crashes and screams, so by this time I was starting to suspect that I was in fact insane. But no. She called the front desk, asked and listened to his response, then hung up and laughed and laughed.

So, what was the cause of the terrifying noises? Not terrorists. Not guns firing. Not the guests being murdered systematically by some rampaging maniac. No.


Yep. The Germans were playing the Greeks and the Czechs were having a party on the floor above me to root on the Germans, who were ahead (go figure) by two points.

Moral of the story: Sometimes, I am an idiot. And also, the Europeans loooooove their football.



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