Sunday, July 22, 2012

School, Schedules, and Summersummersummersummer!


That's how I feel right now. The last many moons have (obviously) been insane, and today is the official start of my summer vacation. It's time to reeeeeeeelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax... Ah!

Besides the few stupid loose ends to tie up (why is going to college so complicated?) I'm all set for school in the fall. Having my schedule is a relief of momentous proportions, even though now my stress-o-meter is free to develop anxiety about the classes themselves instead of worrying over their nonexistence. The fact that I'm taking mostly classes that have nothing to do with the things I'm majoring in (i.e. good at)--such as Music in the Human Imagination (I am horribly un-musical), Intro to Sociology (my concept of this study is very vague indeed), and Archaeological Science (how the heck am I supposed to know what to expect in an archaeology class?)--makes me feel like I'll be in for some serious surprises this semester (ALLITERATION!). And my only English class, Intro to Literary Analysis and Interpretation Skills, is a night class on Tuesdays, which sucks because this is the class I want to be most focused on. Lastly, Advanced French makes me nervous because, even though I tested out of the first four semesters of French on the little test thing (miracle of miracles!) I've never taken college French before and may or may not be totally out of my league. Ugh.

Blah blah blah I'll stop bitching about school now. So...Orientation! It was fun, exhausting, and intense to say the least. I wish we had had more free time because after a while all the spirit stuff and student organization stuff got old. Also, I wish they had had more student orgs out to throw themselves at us, because 75% of them were either Greek organizations or churches, neither of which I have the slightest interest in. Several times I got roped in to their subtly decorated booths and had to carefully extricate myself once I realized that "Student Fellowship" really meant Baptist Club before giving them all of my information. But I met a lot of really cool people and hopefully this process, minorly unpleasant as it was, will help me "make the transition" as UNT has so enthusiastically promised.

God this post is boring. I apologize.

And now, after all of that, LET SUMMER COMMENCE!

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