Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 26: Baileys Reunite! Maenporth At Last! (attempt no. 2)

So for the record, this is my second time writing this post, so I am quite frustrated. The first one was long and detailed and interesting and written in my new foldable bluetooth keyboard for the iPhone. But when I was finished, said iPhone failed to save the post, and all of my glorious work was lost. Due to my general anger at this piece of machinery, I'm not even going to attempt to replicate it, and just highlight the important bits.

1) I'm with my family again! And yesterday our relations, Jennifer and Roger, visited, and it was very nice to meet them - such interesting people!

2) I'm having fun but looking forward to coming home in a week. Maenporth is my last stop on this glorious journey, and a good last stop at that. But it will be nice to get back in the swing of things, focus on college, and makeup for missing hanging out with my dear friends and boyfriend for a month.

3) Stuff about how Maenporth is awesome. See picture below. Also, credit goes to the grandparents for owning the house and letting us come here basically all my life.

4) Sea kayaking. We did it in Maenporth bay. Saw the shipwreck (decaying but still extant), a purple cave-tunnel, and fluorescent blue seaweed that turned brown outside of the water.

5) Was accosted by a small Siamese cat with bells on to be his personal masseuse until further notice.

6) The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. Ohmygod just read it. I probably wrote an entire page about this book and now that's gone and I want to cry so just read the freaking book and be amazed by how beautiful and intense and well-written and deliciously long it is, and be confirmed in your humanity and blah blah blah whatever else I said it would do to you. Especially if you're Anna or Laura. And then come talk to me about it. And no, I don't give a crap if you've seen the movie. Just do it.

7) Books are amazing and I wish I could just read books all day and make money instead of getting a job. Oh wait, that's why I'm becoming a publisher. Cool. We're good.

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