Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2012


This election saw many wonderful changes in our country that really restores some of my optimism about Americans in general.

We put the first Asian-American woman in the Senate!

Maize Hirono of Hawaii

We elected the first LGBT Senator!

Tammy Baldwin, newest Wisconsin senator
Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin

We chose the first female amputee for Congress!

Tammy Duckworth of Illinois

There are now a record twenty female Senators!

Including all the previous female Senators, who were re-elected, and the two ladies mentioned above, these women joined the ranks:

Deb Fischer of Nebraska

Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts 

We have our first Hindu-American to serve in Congress, also a woman!

Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii

White men are no longer the majority in the House Democratic Caucus with the addition of a record number of minority groups!

Four states legalized gay marriage!

2012 Marriage Equality Victories

There are now more openly LGBT Congresspeople than ever before!

Sean Patrick Maloney speaks to supporters as he
Sean Maloney of New York

Colorado and Washington legalized recreational marijuana.

(Which in my opinion is a good thing economically whether or not you actually plan on making use of this law.)

ALL of the men who made insensitive (and frankly wrong) remarks about women, abortion, and rape failed to get reelected!

And, of course, the first mixed-race President won a second term!

(And also won the popular vote, just FYI.)

Whatever you think of these people's politics, they represent a distinctive move toward a better and more egalitarian country. This is an election I can be proud to have participated in!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Halloween is almost upon us, which means one of my favorite holiday seasons is in full swing! Not only is it getting chilly (which is kind of great, except the fact that my room is also freaking cold and I have the cold tolerance of an iguana), but it's HALLOWEEN, which means--

Day of the Dead Festival!

And Zombies! 

And Costume Parties!

(PacMan & Co.)

(Gangnam Styling Psyduck)

And me dressed up as a strawberry!

(Talk about last minute costumes. Ahem.) 

And half-priced vegetarian Sushi!

(Not really Halloween-related, but still. YUM.)

And also a pretty darn good haunted house in Bruce, which taught me that when I am fun-scared, I laugh instead of scream. And the zombie apocalypse taking over campus.

Oh, and voting, of course!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Stuff stuff stuff

So I haven't posted in a while, mostly because I haven't done much worth taking pictures of, and I always feel like I have to have pictures or this is boring.

But I have a few pictures, so here you go:

This is the result of my trying to decide which Study Abroad program to do. There are so many options, and after the study abroad fair I was literally carrying around thirty pounds of brochures and catalogs all day. Bluuuuugh.

This is what happens when the cafeterias use swords instead of toothpicks. How can you not want to stage a two-dimensional pirate fight?

This is the whole of Honors lounging together to watch and discuss the first presidential debate. I love the smart people I am surrounded by. :)

This is Jena looking like the Doctor at IHOP after we went and saw the babies in Holes back at DHS. I am super proud of you guys and was really impressed! Also, Anna was there, so that was amazing. I MISS YOU ALREADY! Agh. Friends are great.

Not pictured: Jena looking bee-yoo-tee-ful in dresses at the mall yesterday, and me losing painfully at grocery bingo. Sigh...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Da College Life. Aw Yeah.

I definitely just made a giant un-muffin in the toaster oven I bought for twenty bucks yesterday. Somehow I think this means I'm a college kid.

Other things that have defined the first week of my college life:

Watching the Republican National Convention with a bunch of cool people, including the most awesome Scholar-Family-in-Residence ever. Because being informed is our responsibility! Also, Mister Mitt McRomneyface makes me laugh. Sometimes. 

Beautiful full moons over the nighttime campus.

Homework. Blugh. 

A cute little concert on the Library Mall. 

And a big concert on the fair grounds!

The Hot Wet Mess

A somewhat crazy concert. 

With Reggie Watts

And VIP passes. 

And giant water slides. 

Oh, and flamingos of course. 

Because what is life without some flamingos along the way?