Thursday, November 21, 2013


If there's one phrase that absolutely does not apply to my life right now, it's "The semester is really winding down."


The past few weeks--and particularly the last 48 hours--have been an absolute whirlwind of setbacks and obstacles and problems and injuries (literally--my knee looks like I was attacked by a cannibal) and piles and piles of work.

But that's okay! You know why?


Okay, that's not entirely true. One of them was a video project (all of my worst enemies are video projects) that is mediocre at best, but to me the very fact that it exists on YouTube at all is a massive success! (I'm not going to provide you with the link because, frankly, I don't want people  to know that I produced that particular lame video.)

But my other project--my technical writing project--is simply BEAUTIFUL! Here's a sample:

I know it looks boring and lame and pointless to all of you (and pretty much everyone else that ever existed), but to me it's awesome and fantastic and the result of hours and hours of labor. It's a PDF document and if you click on a name it will link you to another part of the document! You can actively fill out forms! There's a new cover page and logo for the poor Haslet Library! And that line length! The chunking! The running heads! 

Ah, it's lovely. I'm proud of it (even though I just noticed a problem in the screenshot above...but shhhhh...I'm trying to forget about it)

I think I care a little bit too much about school. Seriously, though. I am so irrationally happy right now, just because I turned in a project a day early and I'm proud of it and my professor told me she loved it. I tend to put a lot of emotional energy into my work, and right now is when that starts paying off, I guess, as I start being able to turn in these stupid projects that I've been struggling with for a semester. 

Also, my technical writing professor told me that she thinks I should consider changing my major to Technical Communication, or at least minoring in it... and though my professor last semester told me the same thing and I kind of dismissed it, now I really thing she might be on to something. Technical writing is something that I have been doing pretty much my whole life--creating greeting cards for my family, making magazine covers for fun, designing posters and CD covers and promotional images for The Lead Pipes, creating ads in Commercial Photography. These are all things that I'm good at, that I love doing, but that English Literature as a major doesn't even come close to covering. 

I don't want to work at a manufacturer writing manuals on how to operate a backhoe, or a computer engineering company writing proposals, or a Big Business responding to customer service complaints. I don't want to do the things that the average technical writer does--but I think developing my skills as a technical writer and designer and communicator would round out my education. It would give me modern, industrial, adaptable skills that my very traditional English Lit education ignores, and that I think would be invaluable as a publisher and probably give me opportunities to do more things in that industry that I don't even know exist yet--or perhaps don't exist yet, and are just waiting for me to come make them exist. 

And I like it. I really, really like it.

I'm kind of halfway convincing myself to do this. Just ignore me. 

But that's my life right now--crazy, confused, overwhelming, stressed. But essentially productive, I guess. Which is important, because college. 


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