These last few weeks have been a whirlwind.
But I am done! With school, anyway. I've still got work all summer. And a summer class. So really, I'm mostly done. Which is good.
But I now have a 3.9 GPA. I made a B in my French class. Sigh. But oh well! I did my best.
In the last couple of weeks I have celebrated my birthday, taken five finals, gone to work, moved home, and hung out with my family (including Austin!).
My birthday was a lot of fun despite all the other nonsense that was happening. It truly was The Birthday of Sloths.
(this is a sloth.)
First, on Saturday, I went to Benihana with my parents, Jackson, and Tim, Danyel, and Sophia, which was excellent! Oh, hibachi, how I love you.
Then I had this AMAZING sloth cake. Meet Burt, yet another one of my mother's incredible creations.
My parents gave me a Windows Surface tablet, which so far I'm really enjoying. I also outfitted it with endless sloths.
On Sunday, I had the good fortune to get to go to breakfast with my dear Anna, who is back in town from college! And then I went to Time to Kiln (again) with Kelsey and Jenna and painted this gnome! :D
Finally, on Monday (my actual birthday) I took a Management exam! YAY! WOOOOO!
No, but seriously. It was awful.
But then Jenna, Kelsey, and I went to Fera's and ate way too much and got ice cream! So it wasn't a total failure.
Jenna and I also exchanged gifts, because her birthday is on the 14th. Being English majors, we decided to start the best tradition ever: getting each other books for our birthdays. But wait--there's more! The books must be ones that the giver has read but the receiver hasn't, and even if it looks like the worst book ever, the receiver must read it immediately. It's brilliantly fun! I got her The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, and she got me The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.
I am very excited to start reading, and I'm even going to take a hiatus from the Game of Thrones books to do it! I'm sorry, Book 4. You'll have to wait. But I have ALL SUMMER to read you! :D
Finally, Jackson gave me this miraculous sloth necklace, which was a wonderful end to a sloth-filled birthday.
So yeah. Finals have been going pretty well. Kind of. I was an hour late to my Technical Writing final because I wrote down the time wrong, but that was okay because my teacher's really cool and she likes me. And then today I nearly slept through my English final because my alarm didn't go off. Luckily I woke up on my own at 7:40, then screamed and rolled out of bed and put on pants and ran across campus to make it to my 8:00 test. And then this test took me the full two hours. I wrote ten pages of stuff. Uuuuuuuuuh. It was exhausting. But I did fine on pretty much all of them.
Oh, and because I did this last semester, here are all the notecards I used for studying. There are 468.
Oh yeah! And I forgot to announce that now I'm the Secretary for the College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador Program, because apparently I can't resist doing more things, all the time! But no. It should be fun. And it means I get to go to Summer Orientations! :D Because that was my favorite thing last summer!
Just kidding. :-|
Now I'm just being sassy. Ignore me.
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