Sunday, November 18, 2012

All the Stars!

So the past few weeks have been exhausting and exciting. It's been super busy and crazy and aaaaaaah I can't wait for Thanksgiving break.

Two weekends ago I went camping at Ray Roberts with these awesome people.

Andrew, Jena, and I struggling to tame the tent. Ugh. 

All of our outdoor-culinary adventures. We got quite gourmet! Garlic-spinach chicken sausage with toasted asiago bagel, anyone?

We also had a beautiful laying-in-the-middle-of-the-street stargazing party, followed by a midnight glowstick rave and ridiculously aggressive card games. Fun times. 

I also took senior portraits for my friend Amanda. This is the first time I have ever been paid to take pictures of someone, and I admit I was quite nervous. I think they turned out well though! (Despite the enormous pain and frustration that inevitably plagues me during projects like this that actually matter. UGH TECHNOLOGY UGH.)

And finally, this last Friday there was an Honors exodus to Inwood Theatre in Dallas at midnight, where our collective favorite godawful movie, The Room, was playing--WITH TOMMY WISEAU AND GREG SESTERO PRESENT!

This is me standing between Greg Sestero (left) and Tommy FREAKING Wiseay (right. Obviously.). 

O-M-EFFING-G. There is only one word to describe how I felt, and that is starstruck. I'm not sure if Tommy is technically a celebrity, but in Honors he's like the second most important person next to Dumbledore or maybe The Doctor. Meeting him after watching his movie dozens of times was surreal to say the least. And honestly, having experienced the nearly incoherent way he speaks broken English, I'm impressed that his movie made any sense at all!

And he signed my spoon!

My favorite quote of the night had to be this:
TOMMY: People say my movie is "bad acting". But you know what we say about "bad acting"? Greg, tell them--what do we say is "bad acting"?

GREG: Uh... I think you people pretty well know. 

Ha! Poor Sestero. So much shame. But a top contender for best quote was when Tommy called up a girl to sing Happy Birthday to her, then started and completely made up the lyrics. It went something like this:

TOMMY: Happy Bir-day to you, Happy Bir-day to you, Yay, you have Happy Bir-day, Yayayayayay, that's it! Now get off the stage. 

Ooooooh my. It was an experience. A spoon-throwing, screen-yelling experience. But oh my god it was possibly the most awesome night of my college life. My life is a joke. 

Anyway, then today I went to see these fantastic boys perform at the Country Club:

Andrew Jackson!
And in two days I'm going to Houston for Thanksgiving. All I have to do between now and then is finish my obnoxious English essay, which I have written except for the last sentence, which currently reads: "AND THEN SOMETHING ELSE GOES HERE. BLAH." Probably not academic enough for my teacher. 
Ah yes. Good times, good times. 

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