Friday, April 12, 2013

Doing Something With My Money.


Today I finally decided to do something that I've wanted to do for a while, but only became possible recently because I've had disposable income.  

I made a loan through Kiva!

Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world.

I've been hearing about this for the last year or so from John Green, author, vlogbrother, and nerdifghter, who had this to say:


I think this is a pretty cool concept: loan as much or as little as you want to people you choose--people whose businesses and situations you know about. This isn't giving to an organization that will use it all up in administration, either; 100% of all loans made go directly to the borrower, while the Kiva administration raises funds for itself through separate donations. It's also not throwing money at a problem in the hopes that it will solve itself. By loaning money for individuals to start their business, grow their profits, or educate themselves, they are empowered to sustain themselves after the loan, independent of outside aid. 

So today, I made two loans of a combined $100 total. Of that, only half came from my money. The other half were "credits" given to me by donors: $25 free for new users and $25 when someone responds to my invitation on Facebook.

This is Vineta from Samoa. She's owns a general store and needs money to buy supplies. I chose her because her cause was underfunded and needed the most help. Now 37% of her $675 loan has been fulfilled!

Ana Sabina 

This is Ana Sabina from El Salvador. She makes tortillas for the market, and she needs money to buy a refrigerator and some books that her daughter needs for school. I chose her because of her dedication to her children's education, and I wanted to help get those precious books into her twelve-year-old daughters hands. 

So, yeah. If you have five spare minutes with the Internet, click the link below to loan $50 free--$25 for you and $25 for me! You don't have to spend anything